To unite women of the congregation for the total mission of the churchand to provide a medium through which they  may express their loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship and service.

Members belong to one of two units that meet monthly, either second Monday evening or second Thusday afternoon. Contact Letty Docherty at 742-8465.

These busy Ladies...

  • Cater to various Dinners through the year.
  • Prepare and serve Rotary lunch every Monday
  • Prepare funeral lunches
  • Organize and Cater the fall supper
  • Serve cake, ice cream and strawberries to the lodges in March for their birthday party
  • Organize and run the Christmas Bazaar every year.
  • Hold a potluck each year to raise money for the Bissell Center.
  • Put up a "warm Christmas tree" for people to donate warm items of clothing or blankets to be donated to the local christmas hamper society.

Thanks to all their hard work they were able to donate $23,000.00 to the church in 2017.

Thank you Ladies for all you do!