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April 21, 2019
Easter Sunday
Stettler United Church

Easter Surprise ~ A Dramatic Opening for Easter Sunday…See page 87 of gathering L/E/P, 2019

*Hymn: Morning Has Broken #409 VU (sung as battery lights are distributed)

A Reading from Luke 24:1-12 ~ The Empty Tomb
Women prepared to encounter death discovered faith instead.

Prayer of the Day ~ Christ is Risen!
Not as a broken victim.
Not as an angry avenger.
But in Jesus’ third way:
with dignity, compassion and love.
Let’s set an intention
to walk in Jesus’ third way:
with dignity for all
compassion for all
and love for all.
And we ask God to help us.
by Lynn Willis, LEAD Spiritual Director

*Transformation of the Cross
Come, pass the peace and share in putting the flowers on the cross.

*Easter Hymn: Joy Comes with the Dawn #166 VU


Choir-Congregational Anthem: He Lives

Prayers of the Gathered Community
& The Prayer Jesus Taught

*Communion Hymn: “Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ” #468 VU

Communion Prayer:
Let's celebrate and open our hearts to the joy and wonder of unquenched hope, of eternal resurrection.
We celebrate. We raise our voices and our hearts in worship and thanksgiving to the God who lives. Resurrection happened because Jesus was first prepared to die.
Defying death, he refused to release his hold on life and love.
So now, as he encouraged us, we choose to remember,
so that we too can truly live.

On the night before he died, Jesus had supper with his companions.
He took a loaf of bread and after giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to his friends, saying:
Take, eat; remember me.
After the meal, Jesus took a cup of drink, and after giving thanks,
he passed it among them, saying:
Drink this and remember me.
May this bread and this drink become for us God’s life-giving way.
May we who share this meal, be joined with God, and with one another, as one body united in resurrection life, and sharing with all of creation in God’s eternal salvation.

Holy Spirit, unite us at this table and strengthen us to live the resurrected life of Christ in the world. Amen.

Presentation of the Gifts:
Holy God, we bring forward the ordinary things of life, food and drink and money, and in bringing them we bring ourselves, that you may change all of it, all of us, to be of service, near home and far away. Amen.
Written by George Allan. Reprinted, with permission, from page 33 of gathering L/E/P 2016

Fraction & Distribution
The bread is broken... the juice is poured…
Let us come to the table not because we fully understand, but because we need to reach out and receive the life that is offered.
(The distribution of bread and juice is in continuous lines. All who wish to participate are welcome, as are your donations for the church’s ministry and mission. Please indicate to the server if you’d rather have the bread and cup delivered to your pew.)

Special Music ~ Goodwins

*Parting Prayer:
We thank you, O God, for your life, pulsing in creation, revealed in
Jesus, renewed in resurrection and available to us now.
Filled with life,
we now offer ourselves to be life-bringers in the world.
Touched by resurrection
we pledge to resist death wherever we find it.
Filled with hope, we embrace the promise of eternity,
and the call to make it known at every opportunity.
Through us may graves continue to be opened,
and may the dead continue to be awakened to new life.
In the name of the Living Christ, Amen.
Communion Service adapted from Easter Communion written by John van de Laar © 2009 Sacredise and found at ttp://

*Recessional Hymn: “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Give Thanks” #179VU (verses 2 & 4 with choruses)