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February 24, 2019
Seventh Sunday of Epiphany

Welcome and Announcements
• Portions of the service printed in bold are spoken by the whole congregation. The asterisk (*) indicates congregation stands, but please feel free to sit at any time.
• Children are always welcome at our services. Books/toys are available at the front and back of the sanctuary.

Candle Lighting & Centring:

Call to Worship: Revolution
(inspired by Matthew 5: 48-58, Luke 6:27-38)
The enemy:
love them
The oppressor:
walk the mile with them
The Master:
turn the other cheek to them

This doormat faith
seems too much to bear
in a world where those who bully
always seem to win

The enemy:
imbalance them with love
The oppressor:
shame the law that oppresses
The Master:
turn the cheek as an equal

This rebellious faith
seems too much to bear
in a world where those who bully
are loved back to justice by the bullied
But this is heaven’s revolution
and we are called into it
come let us worship
love’s rebel, Jesus
~ written by Roddy Hamilton, and posted on Mucky Paws.

*Hymn: Spirit, Open My Heart #79 MV

Centering Prayer
“Be still in the presence of the Lord,
and wait patiently for him to act.” Psalm 37: 7
***words are for the worship leader, not for print or projection***
God, by your grace, help us to relax.

Take from us the tension
that makes peace impossible.
Take from us the fears
that do not allow us to venture.
Take from us the worries
that blind our sight.
Take from us the distress
that hides your joy.

Help us to know
that we are with you,
that we are in your care,
that we are in your love,
that we are one.
~ written by David Adam in “The Open Gate” SPCK 1994. Posted on thePresbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand website.

Special Music ~ “On the Other Side”, an Anne Murray song, shared by Malcolm Fischer
Congregational Theme/Story Time

*Sung Response: Day by Day (from Godspell)




A Reading from Genesis 45:3-11, 15
Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers.

A Reading from Luke 6:27-38
Love your enemies; be merciful.

*Hymn: God Weeps #78 MV

Minister’s Message

*Hymn: “In the Bulb there is a Flower” #703 VU

Invitation for Offering

*Offering Hymn: “What Can I Do?” (#191 MV)

*Prayer of Dedication:
God of many gifts, we give thanks for that with which we’ve been entrusted.
Guide us in your wisdom and love, that we may share our gifts and ourselves to make manifest your presence in the world in all that we say, share, and do. Amen.

Prayers of the Gathered Community
& The Prayer Jesus Taught

*Hymn: Love is the Touch #89 MV

May the love of God surround you. May the love of God uplift you. May the love of God stand with you through the challenges ahead. May the love of God convince you, in every situation, to love.
Let us go now to love others, even as God loves us.

*Recessional: “Great Amen Fourfold Amen” #208 MV