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Sunday worship, May 1st ~ Mental Health Awareness Sunday @ 10:30 am

Our biblical focus is John 15:9-17 ~ Jesus calls his followers to love one another just as he has loved them. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life, as Jesus does, for one’s friends. By our obedience to Jesus’ command to love, we bear fruit that lasts.


Click the link below to view/download/print the order of service. Click the links within the service to hear the hymn choices.  

5 Simple Things You Can Do to make the world a better place for people with mental health challenges and their families 
1. Be a friend. Provide companionship and compassion on the road toward recovery. Offer a ride to church or to a local support group. Listen without judgement. Pray for those you know with mental health challenges, substance use disorders, and for their family members. 
2. Share your story. Has mental illness impacted you or your family in some way? Your story may empower others to seek treatment or have hope. 
3. Watch your language. Pay attention to the words you use and avoid stigmatizing labels. Do not refer to people as “crazy,” “psycho,” “lunatic” or “mental.” 
4. Be a “StigmaBuster.” Challenge negative attitudes toward mental illness among your friends and acquaintances and in the media. 
5. Learn the facts. Educate yourself about the various mental health challenges, substance use disorders, neurodevelopmental differences, and other brain disorders. Check out the resources at the UCC Mental Health Network (, take a Mental Health First Aid class and host one at your congregation for the larger community. Offer a class or going a support group with the National Alliance on Mental Illness ( and check out the facts at the National Institute of Mental Health (, the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (, the Alzheimer’s Association ( Visit the Mental Health Commission of Canada for education, supports and programs related to mental wellness