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Stettler United Church
Sunday, April 28, 2019
2nd Sunday of Easter

Welcome and Announcements
• Portions of the service printed in bold are spoken by the whole congregation. The asterisk (*) indicates congregation stands, but please feel free to sit at any time.
• Children are always welcome at our services. Books/toys are available at the front and back of the sanctuary.

Candle Lighting & Centring:
The crowning evidence that he lives is not a vacant grave, but a spirit-filled fellowship. Not a rolled-away stone, but a carried-away church. Clarence Jordan

Call to Worship:
The tomb is empty
It is affirmed. We are the inheritors of a new understanding.
God will never abandon us.
The Christ candle once more shines
to chase away the gloom and brighten our spirits.
And so, we sing a joyful song of praise!
Sing out loud! This is the day!
Written by Jim McKean. Reprinted, with permission, from page 41 of gathering L/E/P 2019.

*Hymn: “Make a Joyful Noise” #820 VU

Opening Prayer: (unison)
O God, alive and among us this new day, to you no door is closed, to you no heart is locked; walk with us and be known to us; draw us beyond our doubts and fears; and journey with us and our questioning minds till we see the risen Christ among us and say in our hearts, “we belong, we believe.” Hallelujah. Amen.

Gathering Words: “The Easter Challenge,” by Joyce Rupp
(No words on screen)
Every year it happens:
earth shakes her sleepy head,
still a bit wintered and dull,
and feels new life stirring.

Every year cocoons give up their treasures,
fresh shoots push through brown leaves,
seemingly dead branches shine with green,
and singing birds find their way home.

Every year we hear the stories:
empty tomb, surprised grievers,
runners with news and revelation,
unexpected encounters,
conversations on the road,
tales of nets filling with fish,
and breakfast on a seashore.

And every year
the dull and dead in us
meets our Easter challenge:
to be open to the unexpected,
to believe beyond our security,
to welcome God in every form,
and trust in our own greening.
— Taken from Out of the Ordinary (c) by Joyce Rupp. Used by permission of Ave Maria Press. All rights reserved.

*Hymn: “Thine is the Glory” #173 VU

Congregational Theme/Story Time

Sabbatical Commissioning:
On the seventh day God rested and celebrated all of creation. God surveyed it all, saying, “It is good”.
During his ministry, Jesus often took time to be alone, sometimes on a mountain, sometimes by a lake. He would pray and seek the mind of God.
We send you now on your Sabbatical journey, Jan. As you take time away from normal routine, may you find the space to see the will of God.

May God bless you: refresh your spirit; renew your mind, strengthen your body; and return you to us empowered for the continued task of ministry with & for Stettler United Church, and in the world.
Pray for us as we pray for you, as we faithfully carry out the various ministries to which we are called. Peace be with you.
Jan: And also with you!
In that Spirit we will share the peace of Christ with one another.

*Hymn: “Dance With the Spirit” #156 MV

A Reading from John 20:19-31
In today's gospel Jesus is echoing back to that creation story - giving the gift of breath/spirit/wind to his followers; empowering them to be witnesses.

Hymn: “My Love Colours Outside the Lines” #138 MV

Invitation for Offering

*Offering Hymn: “We Have This Ministry” #510 VU

*Dedication Prayer:
God of Mission and Service: Jesus showed us Mission by crossing every border he faced. He crossed the line in ministry to women and children, to the diseased and dying, to prostitutes and down-and-outers, and to his grieving disciples on the Emmaus road.
Jesus showed us Service by offering himself. He offered himself by washing the disciples' feet, by teaching and healing, by breaking bread and passing the cup, and by the cross.
Strengthen us to share this same Mission and Service through our faith and our fund. Amen

Prayers of the Gathered Community
& The Prayer Jesus Taught, sung version, #959 VU

*Commission and Benediction: (inspired by John 20:21-22)
Jesus said: “Peace be with you. As God sent me,
So, I am now sending you”.
The busy world awaits our compassion.
God believes in us.
Sometimes we will give our best yet fail.
God believes in us.
At other times we will succeed despite our stumbling.
God believes in us
Go gladly, daring to live to the glory of God,
God believes in us

The help of the saving Christ,
the wisdom of the Living God,
and the support of the loving Spirit,
will be with us
every step of the way, now and always.
~ written by Bruce Prewer, and posted on

*Recessional: “We Shall Go Out with Hope of Resurrection” #586 VU