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March 17, 2019
2nd Sunday of Lent
Stettler United Church

Welcome and Announcements
• Portions of the service printed in bold are spoken by the whole congregation. The asterisk (*) indicates congregation stands, but please feel free to sit at any time.
• Children are always welcome at our services. Books/toys are available at the front and back of the sanctuary.

Lenten Candle Ceremony: (Based on Psalm 27)
(Light the Christ candle)
O God,
for the light you bring to our understanding,
for the hope you bring to our fear,
for the guidance you bring to our path,
we give you thanks.
(Light 2 purple candles)

Praise Chorus: “Joyful, Joyful” #232 VU (1st Verse)

Call to Worship: look to the stars
Look to the stars—filling the sky with light!
God’s word is a light, shining bright in the darkness.
Look to the stars—spread across the universe,
farther than any eye has seen.
God is everywhere present,
whether we go to the ends of the earth or depths of the sea.
Look to the stars—more than we even have numbers to count.
God’s grace is beyond imagining,
beyond language, beyond counting.
Look to the stars—signs of God’s promise,
shining through all generations.
We come to worship God, in whom we trust.
Submitted by Rev. Teri Peterson.

*Sung Prayer: Spirit God, Be our Breath #150 MV

Congregational Theme/Story Time
(based on Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18)

*Hymn: Like a Rock #92 MV

A Reading from Luke 13:31-35
Jesus is warned that Herod wants to kill him. He dismisses this and sets his face is set toward Jerusalem. Then he laments over the city which fails to heed the prophets.

Reading: Stick Your Neck Out – Proclaim Resurrection,
by Gord Dunbar, Kincardine United Church, ON, page 71 of gathering L/E/P 2019

Choir Anthem

Minister’s Message

*Hymn: As Comes the Breath of Spring #373 VU
Minute for Mission & Invitation for Offering

*Offering Hymn: #581 VU “When We Are Living” (Verse 2)
Through all our living, we our fruits must give.
Good works of service are for offering.
When we are giving, or when receiving,
we belong to God, we belong to God.

*Offering Prayer:
At this Lenten time we reflect on the hard choices of Jesus. May our daily lives, and these gifts, reflect our choice of the Christian Way: a way of compassion; a way of healing; a way of support for the powerless; a way of thanksgiving and worship; a way of love. Bless these gifts, O God, as you have blessed us with the gift of Jesus. Amen. ~David Sparks

Prayers of the Gathered Community
& The Prayer Jesus Taught

*Gospel Song: Just a Closer Walk

*Irish Blessing:

 *Recessional: When You Walk from Here #298