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Welcome, Gathering, and Announcements:
(Portions of the service printed in bold are spoken by the whole congregation. The asterisk (*) indicates congregation stands, but please feel free to sit at any time. Children are always welcome at our services. Books/toys are available at the front and back of the sanctuary.)

Candle Lighting & Centring:
And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been. Ranier Maria Rilke

Call to Worship
Welcome. What's up? Maligayang Pagdating; Jambo; Malomalam; Wilkommen; Bienvenue; Welkome; Aloha; Bonjour; Selamat Datang; Vanakkam; Karibu…

Hola (óh-lah, which means "hello" in Spanish)
Tuloy Po Kayo (too-lóy poh kay-ó, which means "come in" in a language of Filipinos)
Tuloy Po Kayo
Praise God, in all languages!
Praise God, among all the nations!
Declare God's wonderful deeds so that all might understand.
We gather to give praise and thanks for all God's deeds of power.
Talofa Lava! (tah-lo-fah lah-vah, which means "welcome" in Samoan.)
Talofa Lava!

*Hymn: “Come All You People” #2 MV (accompanied by community drumming)

Prayer of Invocation:
Holy Wisdom of God
You call to us from the depths of our hearts,
where we long for connection with you and with one another.
You call to us from busy streets and neighborhoods,
Where human pain and possibility are most urgent.
You call to us from our sacred stories,
where God, Christ, Spirit create, challenge, comfort.
Guide us, we pray, on an adventure of hope, and
help us see with your eyes
the ways which lead to beloved community
where Christ is at the center. Amen.

Prayer Response: (please remain seated) “Open Our Hearts” #21 MV

*The Peace:
As we greet one another, we share signs of peace and reconciliation in and as the body of Christ.

Congregational Theme/Story Time
God’s Love Welcomes Everyone, based on Mark 7:24–30

*Hymn: “Draw the Circle Wide” #145 MV

A Reading from James 2:1-10, 14-17
With strong words, James condemns those in his community who treat the rich with deference and ignore the poor in their midst.

Minister’s Message

Special Music

Invitation for Offering:
When we link our gifts to the gifts of others, we can do so much more together. God’s grace connects our gifts for mission. Thanks be to God.

*Offering Hymn: “What Can I Do?” #191 MV

*Prayer of Dedication:
Through the offering of our gifts and ourselves, may we become a more open people… open-minded in hearing your word and wisdom; open-hearted in healing a broken world; open-handed in heeding your call for charity and enacted love. With thanks for all good gifts, we present a portion of our substance and the whole of ourselves. Amen.
Reprinted, with permission, of the publisher of Touch Holiness, copyright 1990 The Pilgrim Press.

Prayers of the Gathered Community
& The Prayer Jesus Taught

*Hymn: “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love” #593 VU

*Sending Forth:
Now, in the name of the Loving Spirit, we go!
God sends us forth into the world.
May we be of good cheer and courage.
We go forth to share God's word in many ways, in many places.
Rejoice in the power of the Holy Spirit at work within you.
Gracias a Dios! (grás-ee-as ah dée-os, Spanish for "Thanks to God.")
Aloha (ah-lów-hah, Hawaiian for "hello, farewell, peace, and love.")

Musical Postlude