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September 16, 2018
Welcome, Gathering, and Announcements:
(Portions of the service printed in bold are spoken by the whole congregation. The asterisk (*) indicates congregation stands, but please feel free to sit at any time. Children are always welcome at our services. Books/toys are available at the front and back of the sanctuary.)

Candle Lighting & Centring:

Call to Worship:
God, you have many names,
But what shall we call you?
When we are sick,
We’ll call you Healer.
When we are lonely,
We’ll call you Friend.
When we are worried,
We’ll call you Comforter.
When we are angry,
We’ll call you Peace.
Our hearts and minds prepare now
To worship our God of many names.
Written by Louise Hart. Reprinted with permission, from page 33 of gathering, Pentecost 2, 2018.

*Hymn: “Bring Many Names” #268 VU (verses 1, 4, 5 & 6)

Prayers of Confession:
Done with their summer’s work, the trees get ready for a colourful party.
Finished with raising fledglings, the geese soar overhead, laughing and celebrating.
In this season of harvest, help us to celebrate all our blessings.
Many things cause us to stumble, Holy One. We get impatient with ourselves. We search for ways to be more faithful. How can we live out the covenant better?
Our failures hurt us and others. Speak to us of mercy, and new hope.
(Pause for silent prayers)

Words of Assurance:
Our help is in the name of God, who made heaven and earth.
And so we celebrate your presence, Holy Mystery, Wholly Love.
Written by Robin Wardlaw. Reprinted, with permission, from page 35 of gathering Pentecost 2, 2015.

*Sharing Peace & Blessings:
Let us reach out in love to those around us saying, “Peace be with you” and responding, “And also with you.”

Congregational Theme/Story Time

*Hymn: “I Have Called You by Your Name” #161 MV
A Reading from Proverbs 1:20-33
Wisdom is personified as a woman who is crying out to the people to heed wisdom and make good choices.

A Reading from Mark 8:27-38
Jesus challenges the disciples to come to their own conclusions about his identity, irrespective of what people “out there” are saying.

Statement of Believing ~ Honouring Questions
We believe in God
who creates mystery
and revels in ambiguity.
We are inquisitive by nature.
We believe in Jesus
whose life and teachings
offered more questions than answers.
We are students of enigma.
We believe in the brooding Spirit
who leaves us discontent
offering possibilities.
We are a people on a quest.

Choir Anthem


*Hymn: “Though I May Speak” #372 VU

Invitation for Offerings:
We come to God looking for grace, trusting in love, and sharing in joy. We do this, in part, by serving God through this church and the Mission & Service Fund.

*Offering Hymn: “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” #541 VU

*Prayer of Dedication:
God of summer splendour, with thankful hearts we offer ourselves and these gifts. We share your abundance so that your Good News is made known.
May our offerings become hope for the troubled, care for the lonely, and grace for those who mourn.
Grant us hearts that willingly share, and spirits that joyfully proclaim “God is good!” Amen. Written by Laura J. Turnbull, gathering, S/A 2003. Used with permission.

Prayers of the Gathered Community
& The Prayer of Jesus, sung version, #959 VU

*Community Blessing:
May we be astounded, as we are surrounded, with God’s gracious love for us.
May we be uplifted, our whole life gifted, by
God’s gracious love for us.
In joy and in sorrow, today and tomorrow, may God’s love be there for us.
In breakings and mendings, beginnings and endings, may God’s love be there for us.
Written by Juanita Austin. Reprinted, with permission, from page 45 of gathering S/A 2012.

*Closing Hymn: “Like a Rock” #92 MV