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September 30, 2018
Welcome, Gathering, and Announcements:
(Portions of the service printed in bold are spoken by the whole congregation. The asterisk (*) indicates congregation stands, but please feel free to sit at any time. Children are always welcome at our services. Books/toys are available at the front and back of the sanctuary.)

Candle Lighting & Centring:
Orange Shirt Day: Every Child Matters grew out of Phyllis Webstad’s account of having her sparkly new orange shirt taken away on her first day of St. Joseph Mission residential school in B.C.
As we begin a new week we invite the God-light which shines throughout our faith story to shine in our midst.

Introit: Lord, Listen to Your Children, #400 VU

Poetic Call to Worship: “Power”, by roddy g. hamilton

It wasn’t a king
it wasn’t a prince
it wasn’t a prime minister
it wasn’t a president
It wasn’t a queen
it wasn’t a princess
it wasn’t a minister
it wasn’t a bishop
It wasn’t a managing director
it wasn’t a CEO
it wasn’t a headteacher
it wasn’t a councilor

It was a woman
it was a Samaritan
it was a leper
it was a child
of whom Jesus said
bless them
and welcome them
and you’ll be welcoming God


*Medley of Hymns (first verse and chorus):
Jesus Loves Me (#365); One More Step Along the World I Go (#639); Teach Me God to Wonder (#299); and I’ve Got Peace Like a River (#577)

Prayer on Orange Shirt Day
Vibrant God
Your creation explodes with the colours of the rainbow
Your peoples reveal the beauty of diversity
We remember today when the joy and dignity of a precious child was destroyed.
We lament today for the childhoods lost through the residential school system.
We mourn for the spirits crushed and the futures compromised.
Celebrate the hope and joy of every child
Tell the stories of resistance that make us stronger
Build the bonds of solidarity to ensure “never again”
In the name of the one who was child among us

*Sharing Peace & Blessings
The peace of Christ, who unites us in love and discipleship, be with you all.
And also with you.
Let us greet each other with signs of this peace.

Congregational Theme/Story Time

*Hymn: “I Am a Child of God” #157 MV

A Reading from Mark 9:30-37
The child within us – within Jesus – wants warmth, peace, and justice for all. That’s the greatest. But getting there is ridiculously complex.

Responsive Psalm: Psalm 1
There are many pathways in front of us.
We see some people take pathways that turn-out
to be destructive and unhealthy.
But our happiness and well-being depend on us
taking the pathways that keep us connected
with the best purposes
and with the best spirit.
Look carefully at the tree that flourishes beside the river -
its leaves are healthy, and it bears fruit in season.
We can be like the tree.
But we can forget all that and become
like chaff blown in all directions by the wind.
God of all life has created in us a desire to be the best we can be.
When we follow that desire,
our whole being is strongly affirmed.
But when we become indifferent to that desire,
we lose our connection with the best purposes
and the best spirit. (FMacnab/fwb)

Prayer-Hymn: “Make Me a channel of Your Peace” #684 VU (please remain seated)

Minister’s Message:

Invitation for Offering:
The Holy One offers us many gifts. In turn, we offer our gifts of time, talent and treasure. May creation be blessed through this sharing.

*Sung Dedication: “Spirit, Open My Heart” #79 MV (Chorus)

*Prayer of Dedication:
God, today we pray especially for those who do not have enough clothing, food, and shelter; enough work, pay and benefits; we pray for those who do not have enough love, joy, and hope; enough stability, peace and freedom; and we pray for those who do not have enough help from those who have enough. God, keep our prayer from ending here. Make our stewardship and sharing a blessing for others, and a credit to your name. In Christ we pray, Amen.

~ Reprinted from prayers written by Ed Bentley and Norm Edson and shared through the Sept. of Stewardship Services of the United Church of Canada.

Choir Anthem

Prayers of the Gathered Community
& The Prayer Jesus Taught, sung version, #959 VU

God is before us.
God is behind us.
God is above us.
God is below us.
God’s words shall come from our mouths.
For we are all God’s essence, a sign of God’s love.
All is finished in beauty.
All is finished in beauty.
Navajo prayer tradition, National Aboriginal Day of Prayer 2004

*Parting Hymn: “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” #333 VU