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**Office Hours ~ The administrator is in the office Friday mornings 9 - Noon. If you have any questions, feel free to email/call and leave a message, or stop in to grab your current edition of These Days and Upper Room (if you haven't yet).  Thank you for your understanding through this very different time.***

At this time we are not offering in-person services. The Official board of Stettler United Church has decided to wait until September. The board will continue to monitor the Government of Canada, Alberta Government, United Church of Canada and Chinook Winds Regional Office website/webinars for guidance on re-opening.

The board took into consideration the following factors when making their decision:

  • July and August are historically our slowest months
  • Rules & Regulations as set out by the Government, Federal and Provincial (a few as listed below)
    • no singing
    • no coffee after the service
    • social distancing (meaning no hugging/handshaking etc)
    • no passing of the collections plate
    • recording of all attendees
    • additional cost of cleaning/sanitizing, masks
    • washroom use and rules on entering and exiting the building.

It is the hope of the board that some of these regulations will change as we get closer to fall.

Stay tuned for more information