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Stettler United Church
July 29, 2018

Musical Prelude…

Welcoming Words & Announcements
(Portions of the service printed in bold are spoken by the whole congregation. The asterisk (*) indicates congregation stands, but please feel free to sit at any time. Children are always welcome at our services. Books/toys are available at the front and back of the sanctuary.)

Centering & Lighting the Christ-Candle

Welcoming Words
Under the warmth of the summer sun
the world awakes and blossoms
into every imaginable colour.
You created a garden for us to enjoy,
and within it planted
the most magical of flower & trees.
You needed no horticultural training
to plan your colour scheme,
no gardening expert
to recommend variety or design.
Your garden is perfect,
its colors harmonious, its scale immense,
spoilt only by the clumsiness
Of those who tend it.

Call to Worship
A Reading about “Enough”
*Hymn: “Joyful, Joyful We Adore You” VU 232

*Sharing Peace and Blessing:
The Best Reason to do the Right Thing Today is Tomorrow
Peace be with you
And also with you

*Hymn: “It Only Takes a Spark” 289 VU

Unison Prayer:
We come to this place to be fed by God’s word, to be nurtured by God’s grace, and to be strengthened by the power of God’s Spirit.
Speak to us in this time of worship, O God, that we might recognize the abundance of your goodness, and find in your presence the things that sustain us…Amen

Thoughts for the Young and Young at Heart

Responsive Psalm 14 VU 735 with sung refrain
(words/lyrics on screen)

Sung Refrain:
Dear God, who loves all humankind,
Forgive our foolish ways.

One: The foolish have spoken in their heart,
And said “There is no God.”
All: They are corrupt; they do abominable things;
There is no one who does what is good.
One: God looks down from heaven upon us all,
To see if any are wise and seek after God.
All: But all have gone astray, all alike are corrupted,
There is no one who does good; no, not one.

Sung Refrain:
Dear God, who loves all humankind,
Forgive our foolish ways.

One: Have they no knowledge, all those who do evil?
All: They devour my people like so much bread,
And do not pray to God.
One: But see, they will tremble with fear,
For God is on the side of the righteous.
All: Do not mock the hope of the poor,
For God is their refuge.
One: O that deliverance for God’s people would come forth from Zion!
All: When God restores the fortunes of the people,
Then shall Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad.

Sung Refrain:
Dear God, who loves all humankind,
Forgive our foolish ways.

Scripture Reading : John 6:1-15

God providing for us

*Hymn: “Like a Rock” 92 MV
Invitation for Offering:
All good gifts come from you, dear Lord,
And from these riches we bring this offering.
Help us to use it for the furtherance
of your purpose in this place,
and for the benefit of those in need….Amen

*Offering Hymn: “What Can I Do” #191 MV

Prayer of Dedication:
These are the monetary gift, O God.
With them come our hours of work,
our years of service, and the love of our hearts.
Bless them in the work of this congregation
and in the compassion they can offer in the world….Amen

Prayers of the Gathered Community
& The Prayer Jesus Taught (sung) #959 VU

*Commissioning and Benediction:
God in Jesus the Christ calls you
even above the roar of the storm.
“Reach out to your neighbor,
do justice, love, and kindness,
and together, walk humbly with your God”

*Parting Hymn/Recessional: “What Does The Lord Require of You” (words and music Jim Strathdee) #701 VU Lyrics on screen.