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 June 02, 2019
Seventh Sunday of Easter

Welcome and Announcements
• Portions of the service printed in bold are spoken by the whole congregation. The asterisk (*) indicates congregation stands, but please feel free to sit at any time.
• Children are always welcome at our services. Books/toys are available at the front and back of the sanctuary.

Candle Lighting & Centring:

*Introit/Gathering Hymn: “Deep in Our Hearts” #154 MV

Call to Worship:
One: We turn to you, O God, our minds filled with fresh memories of the miracle of resurrection.
All: Hallelujah! Christ is risen!
One: The previous hardships of our Lenten journey are all but forgotten in the miracle of the resurrection.
All: Hallelujah! Christ is risen!
One: We are eager to learn about Jesus’ new way of life made possible through the miracle of resurrection.
All: Hallelujah! Christ is risen!
One: Fill our hearts, minds, and lives, we pray, with the miracle of your resurrection
All: Hallelujah! Christ is risen!

*Hymn: “I See a New Heaven” #713 VU

Prayer of Confession:
One: Gracious God, we are created through your love, and abide in your presence.
All: Yet, there are times when we feel so alone.
One: We know in our hearts that you care for us and offer us a way of peace and hope to journey,
All: Yet sometimes we forget and follow different paths.
One: Gracious God, reassure us and guide us back to your path so that once more we can witness to the world your love for all.
All: Then, in your love, no one need feel alone.

*Hymn: “In Christ There Is No East or West” #606 VU

A Reading Revelation 22:12-21

A Reading from Psalm 97 ~ Responsive #817 VU (no refrain, words on screen for congregation)
One: You reign, O God! Let the earth be glad!
Let the islands and coastlands rejoice!
All: Clouds and thick darkness are round about you;
Righteousness and justice the foundation of your throne.
One: Fire goes before you, consuming your enemies on every side.
All: Your lightnings light up the world; the earth trembles at the sight.
One: The mountains melt like wax before you, before the Sovereign of all the earth.
All: The heavens proclaim your righteousness, and all the peoples see your glory.
One: Be ashamed, all you who worship images, who boast of idols;
All: Bow down before God, all you gods!
One: Zion hears, and is glad; the cities of Judah rejoice, O God, at your judgements.
All: For you are the Most High, above all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.
One: You, O God, love those who hate evil.
All: You preserve the life of your saints.
You deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
One: Light dawns for the righteous, and joy for upright in heart.
All: Rejoice in God, righteous people. Give thanks to God’s holy name!
Choir Anthem

Message: Based on Revelation.

Hymn: “Make A Joyful Noise” #820 VU

Invitation to Offering: We’ll now have the offering.

*Offering Hymn: “What Can I Do?” #191 MV

*Prayer of Dedication:
Rejoicing! Uprising! Shouting our praise! We joyfully offer the gifts that are here for others, for ministry, for healing for all. Alleluia! Amen!

Prayers of the Gathered Community
& The Prayer Jesus Taught
With hearts of faith fully open, we join our hearts to yours as we pray for our families, our community, and ourselves. Some are being born, just beginning, growing stronger every day.
Some are coming to the end of their lives, growing in wisdom but failing in strength. Each of us carries joys and burdens which we place gently in your hands because the kingdom and the power and the glory are all yours.
We lift this prayer in the strong name of Jesus Christ, who is like a mother to us, because he brings us life everlasting, and feeds us with his word.
Together we share the words that he taught all of his disciples to say when we pray together: “Our Father..”

*Hymn: “Dance with the Spirit” #156 MV

*Commissioning & Benediction:
And now let us go out into God’s world to enter into the days of our new beginnings, with confidence, with trust, with hope, and with joy, for God is with us and within us, this day and forevermore.

*Recessional Hymn: “Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow” #541 VU